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Skin Biopsy


Treatment Overview

Advanced cosmetic procedures, also known as Advanced Electrolysis, represent a modern evolution of the well-established and proven safety of traditional Electrolysis. This method is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness and hygienic approach in eliminating various unsightly skin blemishes. 



Campbell De Morgan (Blood Spots)

Skin Tags


Age Spots

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

1 - 5 Blemishes (Approx. 15min) - 95

6 - 30 Blemishes (Approx. 15min) - 165

Telangiectasia (Thread Veins)

Spider Naevus

Approx. 15mins - 95

Approx. 30min - 165

**Mole Reduction 



Approx. 30min - 190

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

1 - 5 Blemishes Approx. 30min - 165

Sebacious Cyst

Approx. 30min - 165

Hairs In Moles

Approx. 40min 165



Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra

Approx. 30min - 165

ACP Consultation

Approx. 15min - 15

ACP Review

Approx. 15min - Complimentary

*** Must have medical approval before treatment.

Thread Veins

Telangiectasia, commonly known as thread veins or broken capillaries, refers to the dilation of small blood vessels near the surface of the skin, resulting in the appearance of fine, reddish or purplish lines. Advanced cosmetic procedures can be employed to address telangiectasia, but suitability depends on various factors.

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Spider Nevus

Spider nevus, also known as spider angioma or spider telangiectasia, is a vascular lesion characterized by a central arteriole from which small blood vessels radiate, resembling the legs of a spider. Electrolysis is a technique that can be employed for the removal of spider nevi as part of advanced cosmetic procedures. 

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Campbell De Morgan Spots

Campbell de Morgan spots, also known as cherry angiomas or blood spots, are benign growths of small blood vessels that can appear on the skin's surface. These spots are often red or purple in color and can vary in size. Advanced cosmetic procedures, such as electrolysis, can be used for blemish removal, including the treatment of Campbell de Morgan spots.

Blood Spots  (Campbell de Morgan) 3.png

Skin Tags

Skin tags are small, benign growths that often appear on the skin, and while they are typically harmless, some individuals may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. Electrolysis is one of the advanced cosmetic procedures used for blemish removal, including treating skin tags.

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Milia are small, white or yellowish cysts that commonly appear on the skin, typically around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. These tiny cysts are caused by the trapping of keratin under the skin's surface. While milia are often harmless, some individuals may opt for advanced cosmetic procedures, such as electrolysis, for their removal.

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Electrolysis is a method commonly used for blemish removal, including the removal of certain types of skin moles. However, it's crucial to emphasize that the suitability for advanced cosmetic procedures, especially electrolysis, depends on the specific characteristics of the mole and should be determined by a qualified GP or dermatologist and a doctors letter needs to be provided before treatment can commence.

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Hairs In Moles

Moles with visible hairs can sometimes be a concern for individuals seeking advanced cosmetic procedures, such as blemish removal using electrolysis. Electrolysis is a technique that involves the use of an electrical current to destroy the hair follicle and remove unwanted hair.

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Age Spots

Age spots, also known as liver spots or solar lentigines, are flat, brown, gray, or black spots that typically appear on sun-exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. Electrolysis is not commonly used for the removal of age spots; however, if advanced cosmetic procedures are being considered, it's important to ensure that the characteristics of the age spots align with the capabilities of the procedure.

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Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is a non-cancerous skin growth that often appears as waxy, raised, and tan or brown lesions. Advanced cosmetic procedures, such as electrolysis, may be considered for the removal of seborrheic keratosis, especially if the growth is bothersome to the individual.

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Verrucas, also known as plantar warts, are rough, small growths that typically appear on the soles of the feet or around the toes. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can be stubborn to remove. However, in some cases where traditional treatments have been unsuccessful or where the verruca is causing significant cosmetic concern, advanced cosmetic procedures such as electrolysis may be considered

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Warts are skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). While typically harmless, some warts may be suitable for advanced cosmetic procedures, such as blemish removal using electrolysis.

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Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra

Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) are benign, small, dark brown to black papules that commonly appear on the face, particularly in individuals with skin of color. If considering advanced cosmetic procedures like electrolysis for the removal of DPN, certain characteristics may make them suitable for such procedures.

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Sebacious Cyst

Sebaceous cysts are noncancerous, fluid-filled lumps that commonly form beneath the skin. When considering advanced cosmetic procedures, such as electrolysis, for the removal of a sebaceous cyst, certain characteristics may make it more suitable for such intervention.

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Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a common benign condition characterized by the enlargement of sebaceous glands, typically on the face, particularly the forehead, temples, and cheeks. These enlarged glands appear as small, yellowish or flesh-colored papules with a central depression. When considering advanced cosmetic procedures such as electrolysis for the removal of sebaceous hyperplasia, certain characteristics may make the lesions more suitable for treatment.

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Xanthomas are fatty deposits that accumulate under the skin's surface, often appearing as yellowish or orange-colored bumps. They can occur in various locations on the body and may be associated with underlying lipid disorders or metabolic conditions. When considering advanced cosmetic procedures such as electrolysis for the removal of xanthomas, certain characteristics may make them more suitable candidates.

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Syringomas are benign tumors that typically appear as small, firm, flesh-colored or yellowish bumps on the skin. They are caused by the overgrowth of sweat gland cells and commonly occur around the eyes, cheeks, and neck. When considering advanced cosmetic procedures such as electrolysis for the removal of syringomas, certain characteristics may make them more suitable candidates.

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To start tackling your unwanted blemishes you can make the change today by book your consultation.

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